This was fun to read. As someone who grew up in Michigan, I was very confused when I left and started hearing about Detroit style pizza? Once I understood what that meant, I was like ohhh yeah we do do that. I love your comparison of making the pizzas in your piece! I didn’t realize it would be easier but as someone who has tried to make pizza (and most often uses premade dough), a lot of this resonated and you’re right, the circle is so difficult!

How cool your gifting a spot in Louie and Chris’ course too!

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Glad you enjoyed the pizza piece! Are there any other styles of pizza in Detroit that I'm not aware of? Premade dough is a solid move. Kneading by hand is another potential trap that I've chosen to sidestep with a food mixer.

Just gifted the spot to the first responder. Excited to see them in the course!

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May 12, 2023Liked by Janahan Sivaraman

Great stuff, Janahan! I followed Adi a few weeks ago, and he's been sharing great tips. I hear essay and atomic essay (especially in the context of ship30for30), are those basically blog posts?

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Thanks, Akos! Yeah, as a far as I can tell. Atomic essays feel on the shorter side, like < 500 words. Essays tend to be on the longer side. But they all seem like flavors of blog posts. I've been digging your newsletter lately too. Copywriting feels a great complementary skill for online writers!

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May 16, 2023Liked by Janahan Sivaraman

Thanks, Janahan! I didn't dive deeply into Copywriting, but with every tweet, thread, blog post, or newsletter, we're actively practicing it.

Sure, I've read through the basic formulas, and I'm practicing them, but it's a huge domain to explore.

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